Creatures Wiki

Freya "Layla" Hammar, is a Creatures player from New Zealand who joined the Creatures Community in 2010. She is currently residing in Texas.

She created the Foxy Norns based on the animatronics Foxy and Mangle from the Five Nights at Freddy's series of games for the CCSF 2015, and also created the Nac Mac Bibble for the CCSF 2017 based on the Nac Mac Feegle from Terry Pratchett's the Wee Free Men.

Layla was also responsible for organising the CCSF 2018, posting updates to the festival's Tumblr page and her YouTube channel. As of August 11th, she has been selected to coordinate again for the CCSF 2019, this time working with Mea and Mad_Doodles, who also ran for the coordinator position.

She also helps run the The Norn Nebula Discord server, and is the owner of Creatures Discord.

==External Links==
* Layla's YouTube Channel
