Creatures Wiki

Albia's volcanic eruption

In Creatures 2, Albia had been devastated by a volcanic eruption, rumoured to be caused by the Lone Shee on his attempt to leave the planet. The volcano itself remains a major feature of the world; a high level of radiation is curiously present within it, leading to illness in most Grendels and some Ettins (Boney Grendels are not affected).

Did you know? JayD made a Flood Volcano COB to turn the volcano into a habitat for amphibious or Aquatic creatures, available at the Creatures Resource.


Desert Volcano in Creatures 3 with player controls on lower floor

In Creatures 3 a volcano has been placed by the Shee in the Desert Terrarium of the Shee Ark. This volcano can be controlled by players, either directly, or through the machinery present aboard the ship. This volcano also provides food in the form of rocks for the Gnarlers.
