Creatures Wiki

The Golden Shee Award trophy

The Golden Shee Awards, awarded on December 12, 1998, were created by Cyberlife to honour the very best of the Creatures Community. Frimlin's Kiwi Creatures, was voted the Most Popular Creatures Site, and Frimlin went on to work for Cyberlife (soon to be Creature Labs) in the following year.

Ping ( and Ali (Albia 2000) were both declared to have won second place when it was discovered that votes for them had been combined by accident:

"There are also silver and bronze Shee awards. Second pole position is a tie between Ping's Creatures and Albia 2000. We inadvertatly counted votes for Ping and Ali's sites as one URL. In the count, we gave 5 points for first, 4 for second and so on. So many people chose either Ping or Ali as their second place sites that they came out almost equal. So, in the interest of fairness, we've given second place trophies to both. Great job, guys."

Third place went to LummoxJR and The Norn Underground.
