Creatures Wiki

Prolonged chatting can lead to sleeping disorders

JRChat was created by Lummox JR in 1998. It was intended to replace the community chat on ICE, which was not restricted to the Creatures Community. Above all, moderation was desired, and this emphasis shaped the chat from its very beginnings. Like ICE chat, JRChat remained primarily a Java-based client intended to be hosted on websites, but added features such as multiple levels of operators, a waitlist (requiring users with certain IPs to be voted in if there were any operators present) and the potential for multiple rooms.

Enter JRChat (alternative clients below)

Did you know? There are lots of JRChat logs out there, if you're feeling nostalgic - Creature Creations has a good selection, and Norns in the Mist has a few too. Scorp also posted one of Gameshow JRChat.


There are two major rooms in JRC:

  • Creatures: The default room, where most chat takes place.
  • Creatures RPG: Where people go (or are put) if they want to role-play norn actions.

Another popular temporary room is the Clue Breeding Field. Over the years, many have ventured there in search of a clue, but few have returned successful.

JRChat Operators[]

  • Indigo
  • Jcarrcwalk
  • Julianne
  • karma_gypsy
  • Kinnison
  • kool_pac
  • LadyNorn (Kat)
  • Leonard
  • Lis Morris
  • Lummox JR
  • Mandy
  • Martha Brummett
  • Miff
  • Mike Raiford
  • mumblebox
  • NORNGod
  • Ping
  • Random
  • Ron
  • Sarah
  • Sentinal
  • Sharon
  • Slink
  • SteerPike
  • Tammy
  • Wafuru
  • Known JRChat clients[]


    Both long-term and short-term statistics are kept by GreenReaper, who warns:

    These statistics are biased, as they only cover the time when I am present in chat, and should be taken with a pinch of salt. And some fava beans.

    Chat Trivia[]

    Greetings and other terminology[]

    • hi -- This one is obvious.
    • hiya -- Variation of hi that was probably first used by Sharon.
    • rehi/re -- "Hello again"; a greeting to a chat member who you have previously seen. Whether this is limited by a period of time - after which "hi" becomes appropriate - or a contiguous chat session is a matter of debate among regulars. Jcarrcwalk preferred relo.
    • wb -- Short for "welcome back"; this alternative to re tends to be used mostly by oldbies.
    • boo -- Used mainly by Emy; general greeting.
    • Canadia -- The place where Canadiaians live.


    Many games have been played by JRC regulars to stave away the long hours of idleness, including:
